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In the last decades of the reign of

Queen Elizabeth the First

there lived

an Ordinary Man

of whom very little is known

No documents prove his existence

but he probably lived in Loddington in East Leicestershire

His name was possibly Richard, William or Francis

It is extremely likely he worked on the land

Of this man only three things are certain.......


His surname was Shellaker


He had a son named Richard


and he is my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather

This is the story of his


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Loddington Church

On the 6th of July, during the English Civil War,
the baptism of ‘Eleanor, the daughter of
Richard & Jone Shelaker’
took place in the
parish church in the East Leicestershire village
of Loddington.

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Parish Records

Records show on Thursday 3rd April Elleanor
was married to Charles Newby in the,
now isolated, Loddington parish church near
the border of East Leicestershire and the County
of Rutland.

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Lyndon in Rutland

1682 to 1843. Between these years the name ‘Shellaker’ appears on 38 occasions in the records of baptisms, marriages and funerals in the church of St Martin’s in Lyndon - over 160 years and five generations.

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Schooling in Tugby

Despite gaining the highest academic standard achievable, Richard Shellaker's daughter Emma was prevented from teaching at the village school in Tugby due to the non-conformist beliefs of her family.

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Shellaker Lodge Farm

In the Spring of this year, Richard Shellaker
moved with his wife Mary Shellaker, and their
seven children from their home and Butchers
Shop in Chapel Lane Tugby to Billesdon
Lodge Farm

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The Shellaker Family

This photograph was taken in front of Shellaker
Lodge Farm. On the back row from left to right
John, William and the father Richard. Seated
on the front row Nellie, Polly, Mary (mother),
Sarah and Emma.

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Fire at the Nursery

7th March. - As Dad turned to look at
the cottage he saw the roof was blazing!.
He ran to the bottom of the stairs and

.....“Get up all of you, the house is on fire!”