Date:February 08, 2024

1724 – Abraham Annis of Sproxton

ABRAHAM ANNIS, Son of Abraham and who lived in the village of Sproxton, Leicestershire, was one of my Great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents and like everyone else, I have 256 of those! He was born in apparenty born in 1656 but I’ve not been able to verify that date.

This Last Will and Testament was written on the 14th of September 1724. Abraham died the following month in October 1724, in his Will in states he was ‘very sick and weak in body’. He was buried in Sproxton churchyard.

In the name of God, Amen. The Fourteenth Day
of September in the year of our Lord, 1724. I Abraham
Annis of Sproxton in the County of Leicester, Yeoman, being
very sick and weak in Body, but of perfect mind and
Memory, Thanks be given unto God, therefore, calling unto
Mind and the Morality of my body, and knowing it is appointed
for all Men once to dye, to make an ordain this my last
Will and Testament; That is to say, principally, & first
of all. I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of
God that gave it; and for my body, I recommend it to ye Earth
to be buryed in a Christianlike and decent manner, at the
Direction of my Executor & Executrices, nothing doubting but at
the General Resurrection, I shall receive ye same again by ye
mighty Bonver? of God; and as touching such morality estate,
wherewithin it have pleased God to save? me in this life, I
give devise, and dispose of the same, and the following manner
and Form.

Imprimis [‘in the first place’].
I give onto Isabel Burton, Wife of Richard Burton one shilling
Item. I give unto Thomas Annis, my son and Eleanor, Anne,
and Hannah Annis, my daughters, all my household
goods, equally to be divided among them all four.
All the rest of my Goods, Chattels and Cattle I give unto
Anne Annis, my loving Wife and unto Thomas Annis,
my son, whom my likewise constitute, make and ordain my
sole executrix and executor of this my last Will and Testament.
And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all
and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Bequests
and Executors, by me any in any way before this time named.
Willed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and Confirming this, and no other,
to be my last Will & Testament. In Witness thereof, I have
here unto set my Hand and Seal, ye Day and Year above written.

Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and
Declared by ye Said Abraham Annis as his
Last Will and Testament in ye presence
Of us the Subscribers, viz

John Annis
Henry Bend
Joseph Gleaves



Witness: Brother John
Children: Thomas, Isabel, Elinor, Anne and Hannah

MARY ANNIS , a daughter of Abraham & Anne Annis, born in 1704, is not mentioned in her father’s Will. However, she was mentioned in her grandfather’s Will written in 1705. We could assume she dies before Abraham (junior) wrote his wife. If that is the case, she would have died between 1705 and 1724. During that timescale her age would have been somewhere between her first year and her 20th year

There was also a son, WILLIAM, born 1707 who is not mentioned in this will, As with Mary, he may have died before 1724.

NB. Those highlighted in blue are my direct male ancestors.

Below are the details and costs of Abraham’s possessions, which includes the content of his house, his animals and farm equipment.

October ye 9th 1724

A xxxxx and perfect Inventory of all the
Goods and Chattels of Abraham Annis Died

His Purse and apparel                  5 0 0
Table Chairs and Stools in the house      0 12 0
One Tester bed bedding? two Cheeses in the parlour 12 0 0
In the Chamber of the Kitchen one bed and Xxxxxx Six Chairs 2 0 0
In the Kitchen Pewter and Brass 2 0 0
Flour xxxxxx    xxxxxx and other things 1 10 0
1 Chest of Linen in it 1 10 0
Twelve beasts and Six Calves 25 0 0
Five Mares and one foal 18 0 0
Two Colts 8 0 0
Sheep 17 0 0
Swine 2 0 0
Barley and other grain 30 0 0
Hay 10 0 0
One Wagon Two Carts 11 0 0
Xxxx xxxx Sheep Cribs & Beast Cribbs 1 5 0
Horse Trough  xxxx xxxx & xxxxxx 1 0 0
Four ploughs Harrow & xxxxx 1 10 0
xxxx upon the xxxxx 7 0 0
Things not xxxx & forgotten 0 2 6
£147 19 6

John Bend
John Annis Appraisers

Item 3 – A ‘tester bed’ is a four-poster bed with four vertical columns, one in each corner, that support a tester, or upper (usually rectangular) panel.